Monday 1 February 2016

F R A N K B O D Y : It's just the best.

I discovered Frank coffee scrub a while ago, I ordered myself and my sister a bag each. I had the original and I got her the Coconut because she has sensitive skin. Best thing I have ever found on Instagram, hands down. - Go Follow them if you don't already @frank_body. 

Obviously, Ive always had spots, which leads to red marks and scars on my face and I wanted soft legs - that was just a bonus! I started putting it on my face in the shower leaving it to soak in before washing it off. Its quite a corse scrub so I tried not to rub much because I didn't want to break any blemishes. I did start to notice a difference in my skin. I noticed it helped keep spots away more than any face product I'd used before. 

For christmas, I got the whole set. Like all of it. The face scrub, Face wash, Moisturiser and lip scrub and balm. I was fully set for a soft face in 2016! I got so excited I totally forgot to take a progress photo, unlike me but I do have one I'd taken not so long ago of my freshly washed face and then one taken about 1  1/2 weeks ago (thats 4 weeks using franks face products) and I'm pretty impressed. The scars are still there but a little less raging than before because these are such calming products. My face is soft now I want to poke it all day! The bonus is, my soft legs. It's helped so much with my flakey shins if you have this problem too try Frank. You'll never go back, I promise! 

I recommend these products to anyone. Especially people with any skin condition, give them ago and check out their progress page, its helped so many people! 

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