Saturday, 21 January 2017

S K I N : Caring for my skin with Purelogicol

This gel based toner is incredible. I have very oily skin, always have had, but I also get dry patches from time to time. I've been using Purelogicol for around 2 weeks now and I've noticed a difference on my cheeks!

 I normally have big pores. Everyone hates big pores, these a mostly caused by washing your face in water that is too hot (also causes broken capillaries) or just washing your face too much. The only way to minimise pores is to quit the hot water for luke warm & take care of your little face - stop rushing and rubbing. 

Cleanse, tone, moisturise, eye cream, spot cream. Me every night. Spot cream is optional of course, it's a good day if I don't need it!

All I have done is switch my usual liquid toner to this Purelogicol gel toner and I'm seeing results! 
I am a strong believer in working from the inside out, but big pores aren't caused by hormones or your diet. All you need is cool water, a few seconds extra to dab your face with a towel and a great toner. 
100% recommend Purelogicol, within my price range, I don't have to worry about it making my face greasy -and my pores are shrinking. 



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